vineri, 6 noiembrie 2015

How I became a writer

I became aware of my talent at the age of 11 years. I wrote a lot of poems since then and a lot of short stories.

I wasn't different at that time because a lot of children were doing the same thing. After a while, they got busy with other things like boyfriends/girlfriends or something they were good at in school. I went on with my talent and thanks to my teacher I never stopped writing. Any story or poem I ever wrote appeares in a book of poems.

Since then, I keep talking with my teacher, let's call her A, and she always told me how beautiful is to write. I always loved the fact that I can create characters and stories as I want. I loved to live another lifes because I can get out of the reality.

I love to write and I don't consider it a talent, or a gift, I consider it a part of me, something I can't live without, my connection to God. I found out a lot of tricks since then. Now I am in my twenties and I know a few things about writing. I learned about this, and about my style.
I learned that my style is not with lot of metaphors about nature and objects, but for actions of my character or what they think. I had periods of writing and even reading.

I read a lot of vampires stories in highschool and I wanted to write something similar, but as I grew up, I changed what I want to write.

I'm unknown, unseen and unwanted as a writer because in my country nobody reads book, just a few people. But I will never give up writing and I'm proud of who I am and where I got. I wrote a book and this book was the start of me becoming a writer.

This is my path, my dream and my life. I'm a writer and I'm proud of it!

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